The best thing I have done for my overall health is to learn how to manage my stress. In fact, I searched for a medical practitioner who didn’t tell me “not to stress” but to learn techniques to help manage it instead. (My search took me more years and money than what should have been necessary! Seriously, if one more doctor told me to “eliminate stress” in my life, I was going to throat punch them.) Annnyyywaaaay…

One technique I have learned is visualization exercises. One of my favorites is when I feel overwhelmed by my emotions, I pack them in boxes.

No, I don’t “unpack” my emotions (at least not yet), but I pack them instead into emotional boxes.

A couple of weeks ago, I took my son 8+ hours away to a brand new medical team (again). All of the stress compounded upon me the day before we were supposed to travel across a few states, just the two of us. I felt myself start to emotionally spiral – not being able to grab ahold of one emotion. It all seemed too much, so I started packing my emotional baggage.

I put the drive in one box, finances in a separate box, dealing with my food allergies while traveling in a third box, everything I am behind on at home in yet another box, the hospital/doctors’ visits in yet another one, and so on and so on. As I put each emotion or concern in a separate box, I visualized each box’s size, shape, color, and style.

One box had a lid, another had a lock, and yet another was shoved on my closet’s top shelf to unpack later. I kept doing this until I felt all of my overwhelming emotions were contained.

I asked myself what the room looked like once everything was packed. I had boxes of all sizes and colors. It was actually fun, like a big party. Some had elaborate bows, while some had padlocks on them. As I visualize myself sitting in the middle of these boxes, I imagine myself feeling lighter and less burdened by the weight of carrying all of those boxes. I no longer was carrying ALL of those boxes at once. As I do this exercise, I ask myself questions to help me deal with the emotions.

  • Can any boxes stay home while I travel to be unpacked later? (I tell myself those boxes will be dealt with upon my return. I visualize myself getting up and putting that box in my closet or under my bed.)
  • Can someone else unpack that box while I am gone so they can handle it in my absence?
  • If a box needs to come with us (like travel expenses, doctor visits, etc.), where does that box go in the vehicle? Does it need to be within reach, or can it be stored in the back or trunk until we arrive? What day of our trip does that box get unpacked?
  • Can any of these boxes be thrown away? What can you toss in the trash, telling yourself it isn’t as important as the other boxes and you have enough to unpack as it is? (You can only carry and/or pack so much on your journey!)

This exercise taught me to slow down, breathe deeply, and focus on one thing at a time. It has also taught me the importance of prioritizing my emotions to function healthily. I cannot put that much stress on my body.

How do you handle emotional overwhelm?